Legal Notification


Tourist-Information Ferienland Cochem
Authoritative Representative: Lord Mayor Walter Schmitz
Endertplatz 1
56812 Cochem
Phone: 02671/60040
Fax: 02671/600444
USt-IdNr.: DE 149 278 123

Content Responsibility:

Leader of the Tourist-Information Ferienland Cochem
Harald Bacher
Phone: 02671/6004-66
Fax: 02671/6004-44

The content of our information pages is provided with the utmost care and attention. However, we do not provide guarantees for accuracy, completeness or actuality of the content. According to Para 7 Item 1 of DDG we are responsible as the content detail provider of this information for our input in line with existing general rules and regulations governing responsibility for such articles. We do not however, accept accountability for surveillance of transmitted or foreign input nor to investigate unlawful circumstances of such activity (§§ 8-10 DDG). On identifying the presence of such content, it will be removed immediately. In this regard we will only accept liability should concrete evidence, of activity or neglect, contrary to the laws of the Land, be presented.

Liability for Electronic Links

Our pages are linked to ‘third-party‘ external sources. We have no influence over the content of these inputs. For this reason we cannot provide guarantees for the content. The originators or their superiors of such links are responsible for the page content. On our receipt of links from third parties you are assured that they are checked for infringements of the law of the land. In this instance no infringements were identifiable on receipt of the link. A permanent content control of linked pages is however not appropriate without concrete evidence of unlawful intention. On the discovery of unlawful content the content will be removed immediately.

Copyright Law

The content of pages and research done to provide such content remains the sole property of the registered holder and is subject to the Copyright Law of Germany. All contributions by third-parties are individually identified as such. The copying of, amendment to, and the exploitation of such material, not within the bounds of the Copyright Law of Germany, requires the written consent of the author or registered holder. Downloads and copies of these pages is only permitted for private purposes and is not to be used for commercial undertakings of any variety.

Data Protection

The use of our Website is normally conducted without it being necessary to submit personal data. As far as it is necessary to use personal data (e.g. Name, Address or Email Address), this is conducted on a voluntary basis. This data is not made available to third party external sources without your absolute authority. We remind you of course that data transmission per internet (communicating by email), raises the possibility of security lapses occurring. Absolute protection against a security lapse of this nature is virtually impossible. The use of publicly displayed contact data derived from the content of the registered holder for advertising purposes is strictly forbidden. The registered holder reserves the absolute right of undertaking lawful activity against cases of unauthorised intrusion to further advertise or distribute other information, material (e.g. Spam-Mails).

Data Protection Explanation for the Use of Google Analytics

This Website uses Google Analytics, a Web Analysis Service of Google Inc. („Google”). Google Analytics uses so called „Cookies“, text data, which will be stored on your computer and capable of an analysis of the usage of the Webpage.  The information gathered due to your use of the Webpage (including your IP-Address) is usually transmitted to a Google Server in the USA and stored there.

In the event of activating the IP anonymity of this webpage, the IP Address will be ‚truncated‘, within the member countries of the European Union and in other countries participating in the anonymity agreement of the European Union. Only in special cases will the full IP Address be transmitted to a Google Server in the USA and truncated there. Under contract with the registered holder of this webpage, Google will use this information to evaluate, for the purpose of gathering reports about webpage activity, for the webpage registered holder. In addition, the webpage usage and internet usage collective services will be evaluated for comparison with the registered holder’s performance.
Within the framework of Google Analytics, the browser information transmitted by you in the form of an IP Address will not be merged with other Google data. We would also wish to make you aware of the fact that the limitations of your browser mean that you cannot, in any event, use the full potential of the webpage.

You are able, due to using the following link to down-load and install an available browser plug-in, to prevent the webpage data you have submitted to Google and data you have used for your own purposes on the webpage, to be retained within the Google ‘Cookie’ (including your IP Address).

In the context of further discussion about the use of analytic tools with full IP Addresses, we would wish to draw your attention to the fact that webpage Google analytics, with the enhanced “anonymizelp()” applied, only continues to operate with a truncated IP Address, thereby eliminating the direct release of personal identity.

By the use of this webpage, you declare your agreement that the use of the data about your person, which you have provided to Google, through the ways and means described previously, is permitted.

Data Protection Explanation for Usage by Google AdSense

These webpages use Google AdSense, a service which integrates corporate advertisements of Google Inc. (“Google”). Google AdSense uses so called “cookies”, text data, which will be stored on your computer and capable of an analysis of the usage of the webpage. Google AdSense also uses so called web beacons (invisible graphics). Using these web beacons one is able to obtain information such as the evaluation of the number of visitors to these webpages. The information absorbed by cookies and web beacons about the usage of these webpages (including your IP Address) and delivery of advertising formats, are transmitted to a server in the USA, saved and stored there. This information may be passed on to contracted partners of Google. However, Google will not merge your IP Address with other Google data. You are able to prevent the installation of cookies by a specific setting of your browser software; we would also wish to make you aware of the fact that the limitations of your browser means that you cannot, in any event, use the full potential of the webpage. By the use of this webpage, you declare your agreement that the use of the data about your person, which you have provided to Google, through the ways and means described previously, is permitted.*

Data Protection Explanation for the Use of Facebook Plug-Ins (Like-Button)

On our pages the plugins are integrated with: Social Network Facebook, 1601 South California Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA. Facebook Plug-ins are identifiable at the Facebook Logo or the “Like Button” on our pages. An over-view of Facebook Plug-ins can be seen here:

If you visit our pages, the Plugin will establish a direct connection between your browser and the Facebook Server. Facebook receives by this means the information with which you, using your IP Address, visited our Pages. If you activate the Facebook “Like Button” whilst you are logged into your Facebook Account, you can link-up to the contents of our Pages on your Facebook profile. By this means, Facebook can assign your visit to our Pages, to the user account. We wish to make you aware of the fact that we, as provider of pages, have no knowledge of the content of the transmitted data, nor of their usage by Facebook. More information on this is to be found in the Data Protection Declaration from Facebook under:

If you do not wish that Facebook assign your visit to our pages, to your Facebook user account, please ‘log out’ of your Facebook account.
Source of these exemplary Disclaimers: Facebook-Disclaimer of eRecht24, eRecht24 Data Protection Explanation, Google AdSense, Google Analytics Data Protection Explanation

Events & Functions Calender

The publicly declared events or functions contents, of the Events & Functions Calender, of town suburbs, clubs and individual persons, derive from poor available information which the Tourist Information Centre Holiday-Land Cochem, put together with great difficulty. However, the Tourist-Information Centre Holiday-Land Cochem cannot guarantee the correctness or completeness of the content. For this reason, all detailed events & functions are without guarantee. In addition, the Tourist-Information Centre Holiday-Land Cochem, wishes to inform all concerned that last-minute amendments to the Calender, can occur. Liability for losses occurred, as a result of, due to, the usage of the information contained in the Events & Functions Calender, is out of the question.

Web Design, Programming, Redaction System and Hosting:
Internet-Agentur in Prüm/Eifel